What is the purpose of the Global Council on Missions?
The Global Council on Missions exists to carry forward the vision birthed at Tokyo 2010. This gathering was a centennial commemeration of Edinburgh 1910, which brought together the major misison organizations of the world to strategize for world evangelization. Tokyo 2010 built upon this theme but added another important dimension of transformation and disciple-making. Thus the vision of Tokyo 2010 is to address both the breadth and the depth of gospel expansion simultaneously.
How does one participate in the council?
The primary means for participation is on the organization level. Participating organizations are encourage to send or commission delegates to represent them in council gatherings. Delegates are thus empowered to speak on behalf of their ministry and bring back proposals to their organization for ratification.
What is the cost to join the council?
There are currently no membership dues for participation.
Is the GCM a separate organization?
NO. The GCM is not incorporated as a 501(c)(3) agency. It is an informal association of persons, churches and agencies with a common vision. It has no permanent office and no paid staff.
Who is in charge of the GCM and how do you get things done?
An all-volunteer resource team plans GCM conferences and makes decisions on behalf of the network. The chairman exercises some administrative responsibility. All communications are made through e-mail and telephone, and team meetings are conducted via conference phone calls.
What is the Tokyo Declaration?
The Tokyo Declaration defines and describes the mission and vision of the movement that came out of Tokyo 2010. Participating members of the council are encouraged to formally ratify the declaration by affirming it and listing their name as a corporate signatory.
Tokyo Declaration
How does one participate in the council?
The primary means for participation is on the organization level. Participating organizations are encourage to send or commission delegates to represent them in council gatherings. Delegates are thus empowered to speak on behalf of their ministry and bring back proposals to their organization for ratification.
What is the cost to join the council?
There are currently no membership dues for participation.
Is the GCM a separate organization?
NO. The GCM is not incorporated as a 501(c)(3) agency. It is an informal association of persons, churches and agencies with a common vision. It has no permanent office and no paid staff.
Who is in charge of the GCM and how do you get things done?
An all-volunteer resource team plans GCM conferences and makes decisions on behalf of the network. The chairman exercises some administrative responsibility. All communications are made through e-mail and telephone, and team meetings are conducted via conference phone calls.
What is the Tokyo Declaration?
The Tokyo Declaration defines and describes the mission and vision of the movement that came out of Tokyo 2010. Participating members of the council are encouraged to formally ratify the declaration by affirming it and listing their name as a corporate signatory.
Tokyo Declaration